Tamar Geller, founder of The Loved Dog, is a renowned life coach for dogs and the people who love them. She prefers the term “life coach” to “dog trainer” and “well-mannered” to “obedient.” You can read her “30 Days To A Well Mannered Dog.” Tamar rejects both the notion that a dog needs to be submissive as well as the usage of painful prong collars and choke chains that have been common tools of dog trainers for decades. Her bestselling book, “The Loved Dog: The Playful Non-Aggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior” and her DVD, “Celebrate Your Dog! The Loved Dog Way of Training”, walk dog owners through her innovative and revolutionary approach to dog coaching (training) — one that is light-years ahead of the typical dog training. Read more
It’s early October, 2009 and my home is a little too quiet these days as I don’t hear four extra paws clicking on the worn cedar floors in my kitchen. I miss those clicking sounds which came from my wonderful dog Ranger. Ranger is part German Sheppard and Rottweiler and he’s passing away as I whisper into his ear telling him “It’s ok Ranger, its all ok. I’m right here. Mama’s right here so don’t be scared.” He passes in our front porch at 0140 August 28 with my arms embracing him. I decide to sleep with my dog this evening, not wanting to leave his side. I call my mom and she lends her comforting ear to my heartfelt words that are spoken through a lump in my throat while I sob and sob. Her voice on the other end soothes me for the next three hours. Read more
Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller The Elephant Whisperer, bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003. Read more